# 算法题部分

# 字节

  1. 写一个 Promise.all(功能要跟标准一样)

    手写 Promise (opens new window)

  2. 只能通过 asyncAdd(a,b, callback) 这个异步方法去做加法,编写函数,参数为 Array,返回参数数组的和

    function add(a, b = 0, callback) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        callback(a + b);
      }, 1000);
    async function asyncAdd(a, b) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        add(a, b, (sum) => {
    function sum(nums) {
      return Promise.all(
        chunk(nums, 2).map(([a, b]) => {
          return asyncAdd(a, b);
    function chunk(list) {
      const n = list.length;
      let index = 0;
      let resIndex = 0;
      const result = new Array(Math.ceil(length / 2));
      while (index < n) {
        result[resIndex++] = list.slice(index, (index += 2));
      return result;
    async function asyncSum(nums) {
      let chunkNums = await sum(nums);
      while (chunkNums.length > 1) {
        chunkNums = await sum(chunkNums);
      return chunkNums.pop();
  3. 判断一个对象是否循环引用

    function checkCycle(obj: object) {
      const stack = new Set<object>()
      let flag = false
      function helper(o: object) {
        if (!o) return
        if (stack.has(o)) {
          flag = true
        for(const value of Object.values(obj)){
          typeof value === 'object' && helper(value)
      return flag
  4. 二叉树的最近公共祖先

    function lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q) {
      if (!root || root === p || root === q) return root;
      const left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);
      const right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);
      if (left && right) {
        return root;
      return left || right;
  5. 二叉树的路径总和

    function pathSum(root, sum) {
      if (!root) return [];
      const set = new Set();
      function dfs(node, list, isLeaf) {
        if (!node) {
          if (set.has(list)) return;
          if (isLeaf) set.add(list);
        const l = list.slice();
        isLeaf = !(node.left || node.right);
        dfs(node.left, l, isLeaf);
        dfs(node.right, l, isLeaf);
      dfs(root, [], !(node.left || node.right));
      const result = [];
      set.forEach((value) => {
        let item;
        for (const i of value) {
          item = (item || 0) + i;
        if (item === sum) result.push(value);
      return result;
  6. 手写一个 toy redux

  7. 手写一个 toy Koa

  8. 写一个异步任务调度器,功能就是可以并行多个限定数量的异步任务。参考 p-limit 库

  9. 同花顺算法,判断一副牌中是否有同花顺。

    0 - 12 为 ♠,13 - 25 为 ♥,26 - 38 为 ♣,39 - 51 为 ♦,如果出现 5 张同花色,并顺序的,即为同花顺,

    输入: [4,2,3,1,5,6] 输出:true,输入[9,10,11,12,13,14],输出:false

    function isStraightFlush(nums) {
      if (nums.length < 5) return false;
      nums.sort((a, b) => a - b);
      return isFlush(nums) && isStraight(nums);
    function isFlush(nums) {
      const max = Math.max(...nums);
      const min = Math.min(...nums);
      let flag;
      if (min <= 12) {
        flag = max <= 12;
      } else if (min >= 13 && min <= 25) {
        flag = max >= 13 && max <= 25;
      } else if (min >= 26 && min <= 38) {
        flag = max >= 26 && max <= 38;
      } else {
        flag = max >= 39 && max <= 51;
      return flag;
    function isStraight(nums) {
      let flag = true;
      const n = nums.length;
      for (let i = 0; i < n - 4; i++) {
        flag = flag && nums[i + 4] - nums[i] === 4;
      return flag;
  10. 手写一个 node.js 的 event 类,有 on, off, once, emit 等方法,注意 once 是只调用一次,这个题主要是 once,解法比较多,最好的解法参考源码 (opens new window)

# 虾皮

  1. 写一个空间复杂度为 O(1)的快速排序,现时 20 分钟(就一道,其余问项目和基础较多)

    function quickSort(list, left = 0, right = list.length - 1) {
      var n = list.length;
      if (left < right) {
        var index = left - 1;
        for (var i = left; i <= right; i++) {
          if (list[i] <= list[right]) {
            var temp = list[index];
            list[index] = list[i];
            list[i] = temp;
        quickSort(list, left, index - 1);
        quickSort(list, index + 1, right);
      return list;

# 腾讯

  1. 进制转换问题,输入 AA,输出 27, 输入 AZ 输出 52,A -Z 分别代表,1 - 26。

    // damon
    function _26convertTo10(str) {
      const n = str.length;
      if (!n) return 0;
      let num = 0;
      for (let i = n - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--, j *= 26) {
        const s = str[i].toUpperCase();
        num += (s.charCodeAt() - 64) * j;
      return num;
  2. 判断两个对象是否相等,就是实现 lodash 的 isEqual

  3. 大数加法,输入两个超过 js 最大数 2^53 - 1 范围的数,进行加法运算,如:输入:'999', '9999',输出:'10998'

    function addBigInt(str1: string, str2: string, isInt = true): string {
      const diff = str1.length - str2.length;
      if (diff >= 0) {
        str2 = isInt ? "0".repeat(diff) + str2 : str2 + "0".repeat(diff);
      } else {
        str1 = isInt ? "0".repeat(-diff) + str1 : str1 + "0".repeat(-diff);
      let carry = 0;
      let res = "";
      for (let index = str1.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
        const s1 = str1[index];
        const s2 = str2[index];
        const num = +s1 + +s2 + carry;
        const ans = num % 10;
        res = `${ans}${res}`;
        carry = num >= 10 ? 1 : 0;
      return `${carry || ""}${res}`;
  4. 大数加法带小数点,输入:'999.99' , '9999.999'


    function FloatAdd(str1: string, str2: string): string {
      const [int1, decimal1 = "0"] = str1.split(".");
      const [int2, decimal2 = "0"] = str2.split(".");
      const sumInt = addBigInt(int1, int2);
      const sumDecimal = addBigInt(decimal1, decimal2, false);
      if (sumDecimal.length > Math.max(decimal1.length, decimal2.length)) {
        return addBigInt(sumInt, "1") + "." + sumDecimal.slice(1);
      } else {
        return sumInt + "." + sumDecimal;
  5. 矩阵的最小路径和,这道题用到动态规划,没做过几乎想不到。所以我用了深搜,时间复杂度太高会超时,不过也算过了。leetcode 地址 (opens new window)

# 总结


# 基础部分

# HTTP 缓存

80%会问到,要非常清楚每个请求头,响应头,状态码,并且理清楚 HTTP 缓存从发送请求到响应请求整个流程下来发生的事情

# 性能优化


# 线上监控

# js 语言


# React 原理

# JSbridge 原理

# sentry 原理

# node

事件循环,与浏览器有啥不一样?nextTick 和 setImmdite 的区别?



Buffer 是啥?